Calvary Mount ed cross of Convent in Cianciana

Calvary Mount

When some time ago, I experimented  this multimedia systems, during summer holiday, I walked around my country looking for something for my studies. I chose the Calvary Mount, the most suggestive location in Cianciana, in my opinion.  The Calvary  is the highest point in the country: the built-up area rose up on the hill about 400 m. above sea level, the Calvary  reaches 476 m., just in the most northern point. Around it, there is a panorama of green hills that enclose the built-up area. This panoramic view is very beautiful. And that little square in front of small church on  which stands the cross, is yearly crowded of people, when in Good Friday , believers, tourists and curious, accompany thus far the “Easter Passion Play”  that  just here ends with the commemoration of Christ’s crucifixion. I chose to display  you  this particular and suggestive location in this way...because an alone simple photo doesn’t suffices to show all it.

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 The cross of Convent.

Another object of study is the cross of Convent of the Franciscan  Minor Reformed Friars  in Cianciana. It for a long time has symbolized the south end of the country, beyond the cross there was the land. In fact the convent was built in the seventeenth century , an isolated area outside the urban center, in an area once called  Piano dell’Oca , today Largo Convento. Even now the memory of this  urban “limit”  live in symbolic gestures executed during the rite of benediction of fields. Forty days after Easter the Risen Christ’s simulacrum is carried in procession reaching the four extreme points of the country along the main axes that run through it (Salita Regina Elena and Corso Vittorio Emanuele), hence the priest blesses the fields. Largo San Gaetano up North and Largo Convento down South are the points along the axis Salita Regina Elena. The small crosses nailed down on the sandstone structure of the cross located next to the Convent are the symbols left during this religious rite.. 

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