
Architecture - 3D Recostructions

Archeology - 3D Recostructions

Written by Studio SerEla.

The situation of our Sicilian old town centres is very difficult: many houses were abandoned. In my opinion some country sould imitate the example of Gangi that it’s a town in near Palermo city. Just here, the mayor has proposed to give free ancient and deserted buildings to the possible buyer, but these buyers will be obligated to propose an renovation project within a year and to start renovations within two months from issue date of planning permission (you can find this topic in a previous article). Similarly, Patti (a little town near Messina city ), Mussomeli (a little town near Caltanissetta city ) and Salemi (a little town near Trapani city ) are imitating the initiative of Gangi

Written by Studio SerEla.

Published online the catalog about a new initiative of Studio SerEla: Restyling Chairs

We can transform old chairs into new, colored and modern chairs.

Visit the section dedicated of Restyling and  browse the catalog



Written by Studio SerEla.

The mayor of Gangi, municipality in  province of Palermo, has started an unusual enterprise for value and renovate the ancient city.

Gangi  suffered the consequences of emigration, like many Sicilians country: in the course of time many houses were abandoned. Then, for preserve the historical centre, the mayor have proposed to owners to give for free their ancient properties. The possible buyer is obligated to stipulate the bill of sale within one year, to propose an renovation project within one year and to start work within two months from issue date of planning permission. The municipality is learning about owners  who want to give  for free  the ancient property  and  anyone who wants buy it, through an announcement published in web site Avviso pubblico per l'assegnazione di immobili vetusti devoluti gratuitamente dai proprietari per finalità turistico-ricettive o abitative. Anno 2014 Both private and companies that deal with the management of real estate for the tourism can show interest in these properties.  In the attachment of announcement there is the list about these houses with much detailed  informations (position, plan, floor area, photographs). All these properties are located in “zona A” of actually Town Plan, in the inner city, in the area of historic value between valuable artistic and architectonic monuments.  


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